Almost all of the commentary on this points to the general increase in plain old rudeness among theater-goers. Talking, chatting on cell phones and behaving overall as if they are in their own living room rather than a movie theater.
All of these are valid complaints but they leave off one very important reason that attending movies these days just isn't all that fun: the demise of the sense communal experience. The inverse of people making too much noise during the movie is that people sit on their hands during a movie- especially a big, fun summer film.
I attended "Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest" this weekend and was really surprised at how quiet the audience was for an opening weekend. Sure, not everything worked but there remained enough funny/ exciting stuff that should have provoked some sort of reaction out of the audience. Instead: nothing. Crickets.
I can put up with cell phones, crying babies and people talking. But the only reason I still go to the movie theater is to experience a movie with a crowd. If the crowd might as well not be there then I don't see what the point is...
You should have gone with a crowd of black people. Is that racist?
I don't think so and I'm beginning to think you're right.
Maybe it's regional. Are the crowds any better in Cali in the heart of Hollywood?
I live in Glendale, so the crowds here are mostly Armenian. Is that racist?
No. But it's pretty damn funny.
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