Voight gave an interview with Crazy Bill O'Reilly last night in which he showed himself to be solidly in the Bush Kool-Aid camp.
VOIGHT: Right now, and it has something to do with, you know, what's going on with the religious fanaticism that's creating our enemy. We have a real enemy.
O'REILLY: You bet. The Jihadists want to put a bullet right in your head.
VOIGHT: We're facing people who want to destroy America. Want to destroy our democracy, all democracy.
O'REILLY: Right.
VOIGHT: And in this country, I'm really quite frightened, Bill, at the — what has happened to our great nation. We're being divided by extremists who really believe the propaganda that they're being fed on a daily basis by cunning professionals, I would say.
O'REILLY: You saw it up top. You saw it.
VOIGHT: And they — what I hear, you know, talking about our president. When I hear people saying quite unthinkable things about our president, when I see our president defaced, which is defacing our country. He's the leader of our country. He's the leader of the free world. It — my heart is very heavy.
And I know that we can't be defeated by military power. But we have been invaded by propaganda. It's very effective.
O'REILLY: Listen, I'm right there with you.
VOIGHT: When I see these kids in school — we send our kids off to school. They meet with — they meet with professors that have certain agendas. They come back calling America imperialist, which is an insanity. If there was ever a nation that wasn't an imperialist, it was ours, in World War II.