The $700 billion deal has hit a roadblock with the House Republican caucus with the support of John McCain.
In all honesty I have no idea whether the plan was necessary or not. I'm not an economist or a Wall Street financier, nor do I have a Palinesque mutant ability to learn things via proximity and osmosis.
My progressive side tells me the deal was crap. Congressional Democrats - who on paper would be the ones that should have been dictating this process rather than the White House - appeared to have been rolled again with only token nods to accountability.
But the one thing I'm certain is that I don't even have to like this plan to be furious that John McCain injected Presidential politics into this process. In doing so he has signaled more clearly than ever that his ambition is more important than the future of this country.
In all honesty I have no idea whether the plan was necessary or not. I'm not an economist or a Wall Street financier, nor do I have a Palinesque mutant ability to learn things via proximity and osmosis.
My progressive side tells me the deal was crap. Congressional Democrats - who on paper would be the ones that should have been dictating this process rather than the White House - appeared to have been rolled again with only token nods to accountability.
But the one thing I'm certain is that I don't even have to like this plan to be furious that John McCain injected Presidential politics into this process. In doing so he has signaled more clearly than ever that his ambition is more important than the future of this country.
The President gave a "the sky is falling" speech this week. Washington Mutual collapsed last night. The market is going to tank today. I resent that McCain is playing games with my future. He is not more important than the millions of Americans he's screwing over here.
When I vote for Obama next month (vote by mail) I'm going to be doing it for all sorts of reasons including the oblique push towards "hope." I'm not ashamed to say there will be a part of me that will be considering that vote a giant middle finger towards McCain, his party and everything they represent.
Screw them.