Mrs. Wormer is taking her back to the vet anyway this morning to have her pain patch removed. I have a theory that the patch itself is causing the nausea. Fingers crossed that this is the case and she's back to chasing me down the driveway before you can snap a finger.
As an atheist I don't think it appropriate to ask for you prayers but if you could send some good vibes her way I'd appreciate it.
As an atheist I don't think it appropriate to ask for you prayers
Fine. But, I really think that Zeus would be able to take care of this if you'd just let him into your heart.
Seriously, hope it works out.
what if I go ahead and pray anyway? What are you gonna do about it?
I thought so.
Awww, I love Matilda - she's my fav dog! I hope she will get better soon...do they know what caused the stones?
I would worship Zeus if he wasn't always trying to make time with my lady.
Curse you and your good wishes.
Mine too. :) We're still waiting for test of stones. Could be diet. Could be a UTI.
Get well soon Matilda!
Here's hoping Matilda's up and waltzing in no time!
Mathilda = Best dog in the world.
I'm always willing to pray for dogs...not always for humans, but dogs have my undivided prayer attention. We Catholics pray to St. Francis to intercede for us in our prayers for animals. I'll nag the hell out of him today. Hope your sick pup will be feeling better soon...and I think you might be right about the pain patch. The same thing happened to my dog when she had a pain patch after surgery.
I have declared today “National Say “Hello” Day!
ps. it was really yesterday.... but I sorta ran out time. Thought I would do it again today......
And a whole buncha good thoughts for your buddy.
On behalf of the Great and Powerful Cthulhu, I send ancient, interstellar vibes to your puny, insignificant planet.
I'll tell her you said that.
Better than Spike? ;)
Mary Ellen-
Thanks! I think it was the patch (vet said it could be.) Interesting to hear you had the same problem.
Cthulhu was eat her as soon as fix her but I'll run with that anyway.
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