Hahahahahaha! Well, Tweety does indeed blow a lot of hot air.
tweety is always a fashionista!
those two pictures of Tweety do look alike ;D
randal-Exactly!distributorcap-He is the quite the trendsetter.liberality-Couldn;t agree more. :)
I tawt I tah a putty cat.(Damn, I can't believe I just typed those words.)
Tease us with a photo of a hot Italian woman and then you toss Tweety at us? You are cruel.
dr. monk,Tweety would probably say something to her like, "No offense, but you are a very attractive woman. You can make my coffee anytime."And he never gets fired for saying crap like that.
freida-I did, I did see a putty tat!monkey-Sorry. OTOH: it could've been Charles Bronson from the same movies so we got that going for us.don-He is a sexist jerk. It's stunning some of the stuff he gets away with.
Tweety has a new hair color? Flame on, Tweety ... ha!BAC
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Hahahahahaha! Well, Tweety does indeed blow a lot of hot air.
tweety is always a fashionista!
those two pictures of Tweety do look alike ;D
He is the quite the trendsetter.
Couldn;t agree more. :)
I tawt I tah a putty cat.
(Damn, I can't believe I just typed those words.)
Tease us with a photo of a hot Italian woman and then you toss Tweety at us? You are cruel.
dr. monk,
Tweety would probably say something to her like, "No offense, but you are a very attractive woman. You can make my coffee anytime."
And he never gets fired for saying crap like that.
I did, I did see a putty tat!
Sorry. OTOH: it could've been Charles Bronson from the same movies so we got that going for us.
He is a sexist jerk. It's stunning some of the stuff he gets away with.
Tweety has a new hair color? Flame on, Tweety ... ha!
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