There was a time when I found the idea of such bipartisanship appealing. We're all Americans, after all. That was view was completely naive obviously.
Powell was the king of playing the coy, non-partisan soldier before the 2000 election. Then he joined the Bush team after Bush "won" office and the rest is history. He can pretend now that he was misled. He can say the intelligence was wrong even though we know the intelligence team at State had it exactly right. He can pretend he was just being a good soldier in serving the Commander in Chief. None of that matters. None of it.
When it became clear publicly that there were no WMD and that, under the best of circumstances, the administration took us to war for the wrong reasons, the honorable thing for Powell to do in that situation would've been to draw an "X" on his chest and pull a General Tojo.
Powell has the blood of U.S. soldiers and Iraqis on his hands and he's never apologized. Never.
I know that in the fantasy world of Washington Powell is still considered to be some sort of hero because he resigned long after the point he could have actually done anything and where it would cause the least political damage to our Boy King, but Powell is nothing but a dishonorable toady to an incompetent administration. His legacy is lying dramatically to the United Nations. Period.
It says a hell of lot about Clinton that she would even float this nonsense. I'm all for bipartisanship but anyone that had anything to do with this administration should be automatically disqualified. Powell, Rice, Rumsfeld, etc. are just too stupid or too incompetent or both to be involved on any level with our government in the future. The stakes are just too important.
The 1st paragraph made me laugh out loud. I thought, "Good one, Hill!" Then I realized it was serious.
It sure seems like we are seeing the solidification of an aristocracy whose small size creates these in-bred and stupid partnerships.
What message does it send that we are only capable of sending war-makers to talk to other countries?
We already have that reputation. It doesn't need to be restored. It needs to be retired.
Isn't Colin one of the guys who gave the Mylai Massacre guys a pass??!!
Sounds like he's had a history of cover up from day one....
And also like he will "do what he has to do" to advance his career at the expense of dead civilians and now, dead soldiers.
he is damaged good she's high!
The 1st paragraph made me laugh out loud. I thought, "Good one, Hill!" Then I realized it was serious.
We are living in an Onion world in which satire is no longer effective.
Isn't Colin one of the guys who gave the Mylai Massacre guys a pass??!!
Good point, LB. Jerk has never had a lick of honor to begin with.
he is damaged good she's high!
Succint and to the point.
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