Having said that I don't doubt for a second that Dick Cheney and Tony Snow's comments yesterday were in anticipation of today's announcement and an effort to capitalize on the attention it brings.
I was thinking this morning that the Republican "Oh my God Dems are soft on terror!" political attacks may actually be good for the country. Should the Democrats take the House and/ or Senate it seems to me that one of the first things they're going to want to do is insulate themselves from that line of attack by moving to pass legislation to actually improve U.S. security. That means inspecting the cargo holds of all U.S. flights, adding back Air Marshalls that the Bush administration had cut, inspecting cargo ships that enter the U.S. and accounting for nuclear weapons in the former Soviet republics.
All the things the Bush administration doesn't think as important to our security as taking out a petty dictator half a world away.
Someone should point out that if Cheney spent half as much energy trying to eradicate terror attacks than he did on attacking his political countrymen, the so-called War on Terror would be over now.
Snape is an apt analogy for the current GOP.
Snape is an apt analogy for the current GOP.
Yes but despite his actions in the last book I think he may turn out to be a good guy when all is said and done.
Can't say the same for the GOP.
I have that feeling too.
I had a rogue thought cross my mind that "What if Leiberman were Snape?" but then I realized Leiberman is the guy that turns into a rat.
I also think the "Dems are weak on terror" meme starts to reverse itself after the party in power keeps using it for a certain amount of time. It reminds me of the old start trek episode where Kirk gets his mind switched with a woman and at the end is yelling "I am Captain Kirk!"
It reminds me of the old start trek episode where Kirk gets his mind switched with a woman and at the end is yelling "I am Captain Kirk!"
Some of Shatner's best acting EVER.
I like that analogy BTW.
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