Friday, August 08, 2008

Stealing a man's wife, that's nothing, but stealing a man's car, that's larceny.

There is a double-standard when it comes to the press and how they treat Republican and Democratic sex scandals. It's a simple reality. Getting outraged of the unfairness of this situation won't change the fact that the situation exists.

This double-standard has existed for years, if not decades. That Democratic politicians will be pilloried for sexual indiscretions while Republican politicians will get off virtually scott free shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Least of all Democratic politicians. It's been 24 years since Gary Hart got caught stepping out on his wife.

John Edwards is on my shit list.


Spirula said...

(I wrote a nice little piece about our refusal to understand our ape heritage and status, and the damn blogger ate it! It's a conspiracy, I tell you! A conspiracy!)

Read Frans de Waal's "Our Inner Ape".

Then it will all make sense.

(Eat me now Blogger!)

Pilar Penobscot said...

Something about the dying wife just does it for the politicos. Just ask Newt.

As from where I'm from, you big lug, check all the comments I've left. I hit some old posts with clues.

The "franking privileges" didn't give it away?

1090 references?


Send any guesses to my identity to

You have only talked to me once in the past 8 or 9 years, and it was via the phone about 2 years ago.

I am very handsome. For a mailboy.

Bradda said...

I sense a lot of stones being thrown from glass houses in the future...

Don Snabulus said...

I have a guess as to who is NOT going to be Veep.

He should have kept it private. It was a family matter. Bush never talks about his wife's homicide or his own coke snorting...why should Edwards?

Kinda dumb.

Life As I Know It Now said...

This scandal is nothing like what republicans get caught up in. I'm thinking of Mark Foley here or David Vitte or Larry Craig for example.

I do feel sorry for his wife. She's fighting for her life and she doesn't need this on top of everything else she's going through.

Dean Wormer said...


Blogger is the cruelest mistress.

Just put that book on my library hold list. Thanks.


The game's afoot!


There are no houses with glass left in Washington.


Exactly. There was no reason for him to come out with this. It did more harm than good.


The lying is also nothing compared to Republicans lies about WMDs, etc.

Elizabeth's letter to everybody up at Kos is pretty depressing. Poor lady.

Dave The Angry Rhode Islander said...

McCain will slide on his own infidelities because he spent "6 years as a POW in Vietnam" (in a van down by the river) - which gives him complete moral immunity to do whatever, and whoever he pleases. The POW card trumps all other cards.

Ubermilf said...

Only a republican can get caught trying to engage in anonymous gay sex in a public bathroom, then have the gall to sponsor anti-gay legislation.

Nothing will ever compete with that.

Freida Bee said...

Stealing a man's wife, that's nothing, but stealing a man's car, that's larceny.

I liked the catchy title, and yes, the point is well taken, though it turns in on itself for me. A man's wife can decide for herself whether or not to be stolen, or to do the stealing, or maybe it's sharing.

This whole deal is an issue of theocracy. Who says sleeping with another woman or man is wrong? Religion, convention perhaps. Marriage is whatever the people involved decide it is and I wish the fuck that the state (and the media for that matter) would butt out of where it has no business.

Dean Wormer said...


The pow card trumps every card but the race card but it's McCain that's playing it so it doesn't matter.


He can take a wide stance on a variety of issues.


I liked the catchy title, and yes, the point is well taken, though it turns in on itself for me. A man's wife can decide for herself whether or not to be stolen, or to do the stealing, or maybe it's sharing.

So true.

I was trying to make a point in terms of the importance the media assigns things being arbitrary.

I agree that it's an issue of theocracy and I don't care that Edwards was cheating on is wife, though I like Elizabeth Edwards and do feel sad for her.

I'm pissed at John because he had a chance to be the nominee for our party and would've put everything I care about in jeapordy. If he hadn't run for the nomination I wouldn't have felt that way.

He was gambling with all of our futures.