Dan Gerstein, an architect of Lieberman's re-election campaign two years ago, said McCain and Lieberman share a bond as independent-minded "statesmen" who put their country's interests ahead of their party.
"If John (McCain) is the nominee, he has got some convincing to do to convince people that he is a solid conservative, and I'll be glad to help him if he is the nominee," Bush said on "Fox News Sunday.
"In his first expansive public discussion of the 2008 election, the president also depicted Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) as a political mystery whose muddled foreign policy would have the United States attack an ally and coddle an enemy."
Bush brushed off their high-profile disagreements over the years on issues such as taxes and interrogation policies, depicting them as natural for any senator. "The question I asked myself, and I hope voters ask, [is] what are the principles by which this person will be making decisions?"
As for conservatives who doubt McCain, he said: "If you're seeking, looking for perfection, you'll never find that person. I certainly wasn't a perfect candidate for a lot of folks."
As bad a candidate as you were you were an even worse President.
Of course President Zoolander finishes his interview with this wonderful Bushian question:
"The American people have got to know that what we did in the past gained information that prevented an attack," he said. "And for those who criticize what we did in the past, I ask them, which attack would they rather have not . . . stopped?"
The one involving the abo-digitals, Mr. President.
I know Schneider had a large body of work that he could be proud of but for me this will always be the moment I'll remember him for...