Yee haw!
In the meantime - could someone explain to me why magician David Blaine is such a jerk?
"There will be less investment in American energy, there will be less production of American energy, we will have more dependence on foreign oil, and we will have higher fuel prices," said Rep. Kevin Brady (R., Texas). "Make no mistake: Politicians are shooting at Big Oil, but they're hitting American energy workers, and they're hitting families in the pocketbook."Excuse me? The oil industry has continued to report record profits and any attempt to reign them in will automatically translate into oil industry workers getting the shaft? Don't even get me started on what it will mean to consumers.
absentee ballot
A form of voting that does not involve the inconvenience of having to get up off the couch and walk to a high school gymnasium.
The process by which Americans are quadrennially reminded of Iowa's existence.
election worker
A male or female at least 70 years of age.
The degree to which each candidate is able to hide the extent to which he or she is full of shit.
political consultants
Individuals who are very savvy politically, but don't have enough hair to run for office themselves.
She's focusing of course on the influence of money and political influence in judicial elections which she feels leads to unqualified, overly political judges.
Of course she doesn't mentioned the elephant in the room: federal judges appointed by the president for political reasons who are just as unqualified and overly political as the elected lower-court judges she's railing against.
Why would she leave that part out? I suspect it has something to with the fact she is one of the five people personally responsible for that president and, by extension, those horrible federal judges.
You want to fix our courts? Let's begin by putting a President with above-room-temperature I.Q. in office. Until then maybe you ought to keep your advice to yourself, mkay?