From the media uproar at General Clark's comments it's apparent that the media actually agree that getting shot down in a fighter jet does qualify one to be President.I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that that the media assume great failure to be a leadership criteria. This is the same media that hoisted not one, but two Bush presidencies upon us. Nobody else demonstrates the theory of "failing upwards" to a greater degree than George W. Bush.
With this in mind here are some of the other things that qualify somebody to hold the highest office in the land--
Getting run over by a garbage truck while crossing the street.
Tripping and falling down a flight of stairs.
Marrying and then divorcing Madonna.
Getting beaten and mugged my a street gang dressed as baseball players.
Leading an attack on a Lakota settlement along the Little Bighorn river.
As I think about failure as leadership I'm able to narrow our choices down to three candidates. John McCain doesn't make this list but he is in the top 10.
Wile E. Coyote

Curly Howard

Captain Edward J. Smith