1. C3PO
Why Sexy?
The first film robot to come out of the closet, C3PO is often lovingly referred to as the "Droid Rupert Everett."
"Would you like to join me in a nice oil bath?"
2. Dr. Zira
Why Sexy?
Are you kidding? Look at that bod. Some may say we're not even the same species. I would remind those people that apes and man are all descended from the same common ancestor... Robin Williams.
Dr. Zaius: "Would you like to see what I have in my pants for you my dear doctor Zira?"
Zira: "What do you think I will find in there, doctor?"
Dr. Zaius: "Your destiny."
3. Saint-Exmin
Why Sexy?
The last of the Valkyrie race she is attractive due to her superior intelligence and mediocre appearance.
"You've never seen a Valkyrie go down... "
4. Robby The Robot
Why Sexy?
He's the original hard-body.
Commander Adams: "A little KY Jelly, Robby?"
Robby: "I seldom use it myself. It promotes rust."
5. Horta
Why Sexy?
Not much to look at but a real wildcat under the covers. Apparently the Horta is into the rough stuff including whips, leather and chains.
Horta: "What do you want from your Master?"
(Whips Spock)
Spock: "Paaiiinnnnnnn!"
6. Face-Hugger
Why Sexy?
Face-Hugger is attractive to those who hate dating, foreplay, etc. and just want to get right to the fun stuff. Before you know it he'll have his tongue down your throat.
Ripley: "Hi, I'm Ripley. My cousin Angela arranged our date tonight. Hey, what the... MMmmfff."