I was happy to realize that the little tickle at the back of my brain wasn't an aneurysm, but that I had instead been tagged somewhere on the great wide internets.
The nature of this evil is to list 7 random things about yourself that people might not know. As I only loosely consider those with whom we interact on the web as "people" I think that leaves me pretty open to share a couple of things about me that friends and family already take for granted.
1) I play the bagpipes. Badly. I have a beautiful set of
Shepherd's that I get out at each of my three kid's birthdays which I use to noisily wake them up.
2) I went to Catholic grade school and high school and briefly entertained thoughts of being a priest including spending some time at the local seminary when I was thinking about college.
3) I've had a crush on Barbara Eden since I was twelve.
4) I've been shot at. It was in high school and involved camping with a bunch of buddies, alcohol and a rifle. We beat the crap out of the guy that did it.
5) I still consider my best friend from when I was 10 years old to me my best friend even though we talk about once a year. Families and all...
6) Favorite candy: orange slices. Pure sugar, baby.
7) I've actually been afraid to write this because I'm not sure it's not illegal and the whole FISA thing makes me nervous. When you-know-who was visiting my city I went down to watch the protests and such during lunch and wound up in the odd situation of having his motorcade stop right by the corner I was standing on. I gave him the finger. It must've looked odd with all the protesters marching around and there's me in a tie and slacks showing him the bird. I'm actually pretty proud of that moment.
I'll ding
West Coast Walker,
Overdroid and