For St. Paddy's Day I suggest we hunt us some 'chaun.
Although that trap seems a little non-violent. I prefer to use this to catch the little green bastards-

Vietnamese Spike Pit
Vietnamese Spike Pit
Ga. Senate Panel OKs Confederate Month
ATLANTA (AP) - A panel of Georgia lawmakers signed off Thursday on a plan to create a Confederate heritage month, even as legislative leaders reacted coolly to a push to apologize for the state's role in slavery.
Sen. Jeff Mullis' bill would dub April as Confederate History and Heritage Month to honor the memory of the Confederacy and ``all those millions of its citizens of various races and ethnic groups and religions who contributed in sundry and myriad ways to the cause of Southern Independence.''
Don't Cover Birth Control
Susan Nielsen, in her column of March 4, complains about the fact that she has paid for other people's medicine all her life, but nobody paid for her birth control pills. She supports House Bill 2700 which would require insurance companies that cover prescription drugs to cover birth control.
Birth control and most other medications are part of the cost of living, not a one-time huge expense that should be insured against. Insuring against the cost of living just raises the cost of living, as the insurance companies have to have their cut: they are not about to lose money.
The problem is not that Nielsen's birth control hasn't been paid for by insurance all these years, but that she has forced to pay for other people's medicine.
Once an expense is expected, it is uninsurable. That is what pre-existing conditions are all about in health insurance. Fertility is a pre-existing condition.
Rycke Brown, Grants Pass
But that was then, before Iraq turned into a quagmire, the Democrats won control of Congress, Rumsfeld was eased out and Bush began worrying more about his legacy. When The Washington Post exposed wretched conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the Bush team responded as if Texas had been invaded. The behind-the-scenes scramble to rectify the mess at the facility and to take better care of veterans is revealing of a new way of doing things in the Bush administration.