Monday, August 04, 2008

Psychologically, I'm very confused, but personally I feel just wonderful.

The article below covered the Great Republican Youtube Tantrum yesterday in the House as they argued for offshore drilling and in the interests of big oil.

Notice which large corporation presented (i.e. underwrote the reporter's salary) the article.


Don Snabulus said...

When did a filibuster become a talkathon?

I am glad that they are concerned about gas prices in 2018...about the time that oil would start flowing. Well, the 1% of our consumption we would get out of it anyway (or some other low percentage).

The gov't needs to send the oil companies a bill for our Middle East policy for the last 50 years. That would just about wipe out their unearned profits.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Ha! Excellent screen capture.

Dean Wormer said...


It's more a political excuse more than anything, IMO. They have to make it look like they're doing SOMETHING even though they're entirely in the pockets of big oil.

The gov't needs to send the oil companies a bill for our Middle East policy for the last 50 years. That would just about wipe out their unearned profits.

Short of that a windfall profits tax would be a good start.



Randal Graves said...

Is there some secretive, Soros-ian connection I'm supposed to see, commie?

Life As I Know It Now said...

Excellent! And they don't even realize how obvious they are!!

mwb said...

Conspiracy theories! Just like when politicians take big donations and vote in the interests of their donors is completely a coincidence. And yeah, sadly, I'm looking at both candidates - yet again.

Dr. Know said...

The republic is in peril, Luke. Actually, it's been absconded with...