Then our senators and representatives can stop their partisan posturing and cheap political stunts -- like aiming to pass their fund-cutoff to the date of Bush's infamous declaration of the end of ground combat in Iraq. Then they can get down to the serious business of supporting the troops by seeing that they get medical care, counseling, employment and respect from the country they serve. The administration can more effectively help Iraq by sending diplomats, money, equipment, trainers and advisers.
Look, I know the model for modern journalism is to pretend every thing's equivalent in order to provide "balance" and convince the reporter they're objectively reporting facts but the bottom line is there's simply no way you could refer to the Senate's passing of the supplemental on the anniversary of Bush's "Mission Accomplished" moment as cheap. Especially when comparing it to that moment of high political theater itself.
Four years ago to the date the President declared the war won. Shouldn't we be bringing our troops home?
He seems a little confused
The administration can more effectively help Iraq by sending diplomats, money, equipment, trainers and advisers.
It is going to get crowded in the Green Zone sending all those people who would get turned into corpses anywhere else in the REAL Iraq. This guy is spouting conventional wisdom from late 2003 when a half million troops and people with real brains might have had a chance to save the country from its current fate.
The only way left to support the troops is by getting them the hell out. If that hurts a few military feelings out there, it will be more than offset by those relieved to be out of the meat grinder.
The time for thinking good could come from our presence in Iraq is long past.
Yeah, I get the feeling Reinhard might've been the guy who wrote that. So the editorial board voted to support congress in the showdown with the White House and Reinhard gets stuck with writing something he really doesn't believe. Thus the schizo aspect of the editorial.
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