I try to avoid celebrity spats and nonsense as much as possible but have also always been a little sad that Jon Voight and his daughter Angelina Jolie seem to have such animosity towards each other. I've enjoyed Voight and Jolie's films (for obviously different reasons) and for some reason it just bugs me that they weren't talking. Until now...
Voight gave an interview with Crazy Bill O'Reilly last night in which he showed himself to be solidly in the Bush Kool-Aid camp.
Voight gave an interview with Crazy Bill O'Reilly last night in which he showed himself to be solidly in the Bush Kool-Aid camp.
VOIGHT: Right now, and it has something to do with, you know, what's going on with the religious fanaticism that's creating our enemy. We have a real enemy.
O'REILLY: You bet. The Jihadists want to put a bullet right in your head.
VOIGHT: We're facing people who want to destroy America. Want to destroy our democracy, all democracy.
O'REILLY: Right.
VOIGHT: And in this country, I'm really quite frightened, Bill, at the — what has happened to our great nation. We're being divided by extremists who really believe the propaganda that they're being fed on a daily basis by cunning professionals, I would say.
O'REILLY: You saw it up top. You saw it.
VOIGHT: And they — what I hear, you know, talking about our president. When I hear people saying quite unthinkable things about our president, when I see our president defaced, which is defacing our country. He's the leader of our country. He's the leader of the free world. It — my heart is very heavy.
And I know that we can't be defeated by military power. But we have been invaded by propaganda. It's very effective.
O'REILLY: Listen, I'm right there with you.
VOIGHT: When I see these kids in school — we send our kids off to school. They meet with — they meet with professors that have certain agendas. They come back calling America imperialist, which is an insanity. If there was ever a nation that wasn't an imperialist, it was ours, in World War II.
How far do you have to go off the rails before you have Bill O'Reilly cheering you on?
No wonder his daughter isn't talking to him. What a nut.
Voight's World ≠ Reality.
(On my computer, ≠ is the "not equal" sign)
I do agree with Voight that WWII showed a different America. You know, an America where:
1. We protected lands and people from invasion instead of invading and killing them ourselves (the definition of imperialism).
2. We freed people denied due process in prisons instead of creating prisons to deny people due process.
3. We ended the sexual perversions and sexual assault of the Nazis...oh wait, not even the Nazis were that disturbed.
4. We didn't destroy our own democracy through wiping innocent Blacks from the voter roles, installing "fixed" election equipment, and screwing our own Constitution forever with faulty and evil legislation back in WW-goddamn-II.
What else...oh yeah, WWII was over in 4 years...we didn't strategically invade oil reserves in WWII and call it a War on Terror...etc. etc. etc.
Let's just state it plainly as well...99.99999% of Muslims would be content to just be left the f*ck alone and not constantly invaded and generally screwed with. When Voight says otherwise, he is a lying bastard and he knows it.
All of which is encapsulated more succinctly and eloquently by Overdroid's comment above.
I think his daughter not talking to him is much more about personal stuff that happened when she was growing up....but this goes to show that he's on a completely different wavelength than his kids/ex-wife. I mean both kids changed their names to eliminate "Voight" - that was years ago, and probably for some pretty dang good reasons....
Having said that, I think it's all a bunch of BS propaganda on his part anyhoo....I mean the guy that did Deliverance, & Coming Home? He always did like the spotlight - now he can't seem to live w/out it.
Let's just state it plainly as well...99.99999% of Muslims would be content to just be left the f*ck alone and not constantly invaded and generally screwed with. When Voight says otherwise, he is a lying bastard and he knows it.
Amen. I know it actually helps them sleep a little better at night being able to compartmentalize the world into such simple, black and white categories but that doesn't mean it has any baring on reality.
We did remain more free during WW 2 against a much more sinister and dangerous enemy. As you point out it's crazy how far we've sunk.
Having said that, I think it's all a bunch of BS propaganda on his part anyhoo....I mean the guy that did Deliverance, & Coming Home? He always did like the spotlight - now he can't seem to live w/out it.
Wasn't he in the "Deer Hunter" as well? I'm too lazy to click on the IMDB link over to the right.
Yup, Overdroid - I forgot about that one.
One funny thing about the "Deer Hunter" is that it shows the guys hunting for ELK in a Pacific NW forest (that part was filmed in Washington state), but that wouldn't have been the case if they were really from some coal-mining town in PA....
It should have been deer or possibly moose.
Hollywood. What're you gonna say.
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