Are you digging this Bush risks rallying Dems storyline as much as I am? It's as if they think there's a good portion of Democratic voters who either weren't going to vote this coming Tuesday or were going to vote for a Republican representative until they suddenly were reminded they didn't like George Bush.
The Bush presidency has been like a paper cut that hasn't been allowed to heal for five years and has had lemon juice poured on it daily. It's not something that's just going to slip the mind of Dems and progressives.
Dems winning control this election is important. Winning in 2008 is extremely important. But the most crucial thing is that Republicans keep losing until the worst of the nuts are purged out of it.
At that point, I would consider voting for them again.
I think it's the forces behind the R's that need to be purged and defanged. Big$$$ megachurches, Media conglomerates, and (never happen) the military industrial complex. If you don't pull out the roots of the weed, it will just come back.
I agree, Don. I want to be able to vote the person and not the party again.
I'm hoping a loss will cause an implosion within the party but we'll see...
Overdroid has got it.
If the military industrial complex expeditures could be audited and brought into reasonable line with our needs rather than pork giveaways, there would be plenty of money for infrastructure even with tax cuts.
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