(Not that anyone cares)
Ballot Initiatives
I'm personally not much of a fan of the initiative system which has strayed far and wide from it's progressive roots. It's simply too easy in Oregon to get an initiative on the ballot and the potential for mischief just too great. I particulary have a problem with amending the state constitution by ballot and vote against measures I might be more inclined to support if they take a marker to the state constitution. The initiative system needs a fix.
With that in mind I voted "yes" on only Measure 42 this year which prohibits the use of credit ratings in determining insurance rates. The measure has a lot going against it- Bill Sizemore is it's chief petitioner for example - but in the end I was unswayed by the arguments of insurance companies that there is a correlation between bad credit and bad driving.
The ballot initiatives are always that little asterisk to election evening that can take the wind out of the high I get out of big wins by candidates I support. This year the biggest threat we face is Measure 48 which puts a Colorado style TABOR law in place in Oregon. Real potential for damage if that passes.
It will come as no surprise that I'll voted to re-elect Democratic Governor Ted Kulongoski. Kulongoski's been a mediocre Governor but Oregon could do much worse. That "worse" goes by the name Ron Saxton.
On other lines I voted straight Democratic candidate for probably the first time in my life. I just went down the ticket and checked the names with a "d" next to them. If they were non-partisan positions such as judges I'd write a "d" next to the candidate that had a democratic-sounding name and vote for them.
I have some videos, quotes and stuff planned to post Monday that pretty much sums up my current feelings about the state of America and the importance of this election. As always I look at our system of elections - with the peaceful transfer of power - with awe and reverance. But mixed in with that this year is a certain amount of dread of the "waiting for the other shoe to drop" variety. The time has long since passed to put some sort of accountability on the people in power and my faith in the willingness of the American people to demonstrate the revolutionary roots that founded this nation in facing down power is just about extinguished.
If the Democrats win at least the House I will be drinking champaigne. If they take the Senate I'll get something a little better than Cooks to drink.
Sounds like me except I only voted Yes on the prescription bill.
I also voted straight D in 2002 & 2004. Not that I wanted to. I like to vote for Republicans (not in a long while), independents, and Libertarians when they are worthy, but I can't until the freakies are out of there.
I am expecting a huge backlash when the dems retake the house and all sorts of mainstream media Rwingers complaining about voter fraud and asking for recounts. But I could be wrong.
By the way, your image and quote for this are perfect. :)
Sounds like me except I only voted Yes on the prescription bill.
Yeah, I think that bill is a GREAT idea but it ran up against my little personal constitutional amendment rule. I was really tempted to vote yes.
I am expecting a huge backlash when the dems retake the house and all sorts of mainstream media Rwingers complaining about voter fraud and asking for recounts. But I could be wrong.
So you're saying Republicans will whine and throw tantrums if they lose on tuesday? Way to go out on a limb there, droid.
By the way, your image and quote for this are perfect. :)
[vizzini] I'm just getting started... [/vizzini]
I too voted straight D this year although I really, really wanted to vote for Aaron Dixon, the Green Party candidate for US Senate (Washington). His views seemed closest to mine on all issues. Maria Cantwell, the Democratic incumbent, has been pretty useless. In the end I reluctantly took a national view, hoping the D's will take COngress.
Maria Cantwell, the Democratic incumbent, has been pretty useless.
I get that vibe from her that she triangulates to the point of taking mostly vanilla positions on things. Is that your take also, Aaron?
Yes, that's exactly how I see her. We couldn't really expect great legislative accomplishment's from her; she is a junior member of a minority party. But she seems to stand for nothing.
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