The other day I was watching the show with my kids and found further support for my theory. Gilligan is walking along when the Professor, hiding in nearby bushes, shoves a bamboo stick out and trips our hapless hero. After he falls you can clearly see the butt of a cigarette in the sand by his hand.
Obviously the castaways aren't the happy-go-lucky innocents (except Ginger) they pretend to be. Smoking weed. Cigarettes. Booze. What else is going on behind the scenes? Attempts to raise Ry'leh. Crossbreeding with the Deep Ones? Having their bodies switched around by a mad scientist? The mind boggles.

shouldn't you be working? Wait, shouldn't I be working?
Nah. It's Friday.
The Skipper was doing Gilligan.
Maybe it was more like the Truman show. Everybody was in on it but Gilligan. This was the moment he found out it was all a lie.
I don't trust those flowers either. Obviously some kind of hallucinogenic, trippy lotus thing. Ia! Ia! Shub Niggurath!
Nice catch! I believe the butt is a leftover from that time that German came there in the sub. Dirty Germans. Wait; I'm German. And I smoke. Nevermind.
My favorite episode was the one with the atomic vegetables and Mrs. Howell was on speed.
Well, Gilligan wasn't carrying it as he was walking, so the Perfesser must have dropped it. Just goes to show, science people are smokin'! (Though I have to say, Don's "Truman Show" idea is provocative.)
That's silly! The cigarette butt was probably left by the native cannibals.
This dedication goes out to Dean Wormer... (Feel free to steal. This just seems so appropriate for you)
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