The video below is something I put together this week. It's my first try at something like this and was obviously inspired by Randal Graves and Dr. Zaius posts of late. The multi-talented Overdroid was kind enough to donate his vocal talents which is pretty cool considering he usually gets paid for that sort of thing.
If you enjoy this please feel free to embed it on your own site or share it as much as possible. I'd like for more people to see the damned thing. If you don't like it -- well, the world needs ditchdiggers too. I'm not sure why that quote is justified here but it just is. Nyah!
The suspense is killing me, but I am at work and while I can blog to my hearts contents, I cannot watch YouTube videos. Argghh. Now, it's going to have to be really good.
The world needs corporate suck-up political scum, too. Wait... no it doesn't.
Thanks for jumping out of the circular firing squad for a moment to give us a little 3am McCainiac magic (I am unable to refer to him by any other name I am afraid).
oops, I meant 3pm magic.
I'd love to hear what you think. Even if it's so-so. :)
McCain doesn't answer the phone in the middle of the night. His medication keeps him asleep.
Ha ha! Matlock and McCain, awesome.
"Wake. Him. Up." Hahahahaha!!!
You, Sir, are fucking brilliant! Well done.
Thanks guys! Happy to hear it tickled you.
Oh, I love it! So dramatic. It's great. I did a mock news story a few weeks ago in which I said all the republican dropped out of the race, McCain because when he was campaigning in Florida, he decided to buy a condo in a retirement community, to play shuffleboard and the like. It just fits him like a glove. It's like people don't remember Reagan's later years.
Oh, that's so ageist of me to say. But, my recent learning of McCain's plane crash history makes me think he's far more prone to lapses in judgement and recollection, intentional or not, than my 92 year old grandfather.
Very well done. Thanks for the good laugh.
I gave it 5 stars on youtube
and now you can give my vids on youtube 5 stars too... right?
Do you remember Whoopi Goldberg's schtick on Reagan a few years ago? Something like "Ronald Reagan is 74 years old and he has his finger on the button. My grandfather is 74 and we don't even let him run the remote control."
Thanks! :)
Of course. I'm fairly new to being a Youtube host. Is the rating thing important?
Huzzah!!!! I love it.
Thanks Jess!
That. was. awesome!
This is excellent, Dean Wormer!
Thanks jon and bac! Glad you liked it.
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