Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Okay, I'll shut up. Some fellas have to keep their tongues flappin' but not me.

Fine. Send Palin in his place.


Jess Wundrun said...

That is a fabulous idea. After all, she is prepared to lead on day one, right?

Dean Wormer said...


You betcha she's ready to lead dontchaknow.

ThoughtCriminal said...

Are you familiar with the 1916 Cumberland v Georgia Tech football game?

dguzman said...

"Welp, Charlie, I think I have a hockey game to watch that night, Charlie! Gotta go be SuperMom, dontchaknow! Otherwise, of course, Charlie, you know I'd be there, Charlie."

Dean Wormer said...


I had to look it up. 222-0? Ouch. Point taken.


In what respect Charlie?

Randal Graves said...

Personally, I hope McFossil shows up in the chicken suit.

enigma4ever said...

well Katie I will bring to ya' ....

yeah- she should step in that is what a VP does...

Unconventional Conventionist said...

Both of those thugs will get CREAMED in debates. Hah. Creamed chicken.

DivaJood said...

Um, I haven't decided yet, Katie, I mean, consumers or perdertors like wolves and such.

okjimm said...

Sarah Palin could not lead a sex starved septuagenarian to the bedroom..... even if she had a death-grip on his Johnson-McCain!

Life As I Know It Now said...

McPaininourass is just a chicken shit.