As somebody who has played games like Dungeons & Dragons off and on through his entire life I'd just like to say that our little fantasy world is fairly harmless. (Other than the calories consumed eating chips when we play.)
The fantasy world Goldfarb and his neocon buddies live in has been projected onto actual policy and resulted in the real loss of thousands of lives.
I don't think it's a question as to which group are the clueless assholes here. It ain't the guys rolling 20-sided dice.
Then you've been playing it wrong! You probably got mad when they took assassins out of Second Edition.
I'm a 20th level Dick Cheney, +7 to scowl, +10 to grrr.
Goldfarb's just pissed because everybody knows he's really a troll.
Bunker busters, depleted uranium, mowing down a live family, quagmire, empire, torture, lies, murder, rape, military tanks and planes and guns, and on and on... Are we sure that he meant Dungeons and Dragons? Are we sure that Goldfarb's not a blathering idiot? Maybe Michael should up the ante in his game play and join up and fight instead of just paying lip service to the empire in his mom's basement?
All the Goldfarb neocon duechebags start and "fight" wars from their Mom's basement. None of those bastards EVER saw military action but they love to play war with other people's kids. Fuckers...
Dungeons and dragons.
What a fuckwad idiot.
Before the republicans continue on this thread, perhaps they should rent "Revenge of the Nerds" to see how it ends.
I'm a 20th level Dick Cheney, +7 to scowl, +10 to grrr.
I LOLed. Seriously.
Instead of a bridge Cheney lives under the Vice President's mansion.
Maybe Michael should up the ante in his game play and join up and fight instead of just paying lip service to the empire in his mom's basement?
Damned straight. Members of the 101st Fighting Keyboardists, cheeto brigade don't get to call out other people for being nerds.
Exactly. At least people who play role playing games realize they're just games. Except Tom Hanks. He went crazy as the dungeonmaster.
(I hope you get that movie reference.)
What a fuckwad idiot.
As thepoetryman pointed out he should be PRIVATE fuckwad idiot.
Another great flick! Yes- neocons would be better served to watch that film or Caddyshack or Animal House or any other film where the rich snobs get their just desserts.
Well, it's the target audience.
I suspect the Neo-Con would identify better with a different RPG
I appreciate your perspective on this topic.
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