Thank goodness Fred Phelps and his horrible Westboro Baptist church finally have to face the music. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of bigoted, homophobic jerks.
Having said that I'm not personally sure that protesting at the funerals of soldiers, as reprehensible as it is, rises to the level of yelling fire in a crowded theater. I do think there are first amendment questions here that I'm not willing to ignore just because Phelps is an A-grade asshole. It appears to me that Phelps and his church do have a 1st Amendment argument.
Still, it's hard for rationale people not to be smugly satisified at this judgement. Besides gays Phelps has railed against jews, hate speech, patriotism, the Irish and even Swedes. Althhough it's hard to fault him for this last bit. Who would disagree that the world would be a better place with fewer lutefisk-eating death metal-listening Swedes to kick around?
Having said that I'm not personally sure that protesting at the funerals of soldiers, as reprehensible as it is, rises to the level of yelling fire in a crowded theater. I do think there are first amendment questions here that I'm not willing to ignore just because Phelps is an A-grade asshole. It appears to me that Phelps and his church do have a 1st Amendment argument.
Still, it's hard for rationale people not to be smugly satisified at this judgement. Besides gays Phelps has railed against jews, hate speech, patriotism, the Irish and even Swedes. Althhough it's hard to fault him for this last bit. Who would disagree that the world would be a better place with fewer lutefisk-eating death metal-listening Swedes to kick around?
In this case, the first amendment can apply to the people having the funeral as well. Phelps gang of dorks is abridging the right of free religious expression of those at the funeral to engage in this religious ceremony.
It has been established that Neo-Nazis cannot stand in front of a synagogue with swastikas for this reason, I think it applies equally with Phelps' bunch.
I guess for me the line that's been drawn is "free speech" vs "just being a provoking a-hole"...and Phelps & Fam is in the last bunch...
Of course, some hippies protesting the Iraq war at the Republican Convention might be seen by the latter...as the latter as well.
Therein lies the problem.
Maybe folks need to start protesting outside their church. Gods Loves Fags, God Loves everyone
SB, That is a friggin' awesome idea.
In this case, the first amendment can apply to the people having the funeral as well. Phelps gang of dorks is abridging the right of free religious expression of those at the funeral to engage in this religious ceremony.
Yeah, that's the line. I assume these funerals are at a private cemetery but, as I recall, the protesters aren't actually in the cemetery during the service.
What about funerals at Arlington?
I think your point is well taken- free speech shouldn't allow you to shout down others. But isn't this exactly what SC decisions on money and political campaigns have allowed?
It's so damn complicated.
Of course, some hippies protesting the Iraq war at the Republican Convention might be seen by the latter...as the latter as well.
That's what leads me to even question Phelps' free speech rights to begin with. We have quite enough quashing of opinions in this country as it is.
Maybe folks need to start protesting outside their church. Gods Loves Fags, God Loves everyone.
Seconded that this is a good idea. I'm kind of hoping they don't HAVE a church after this decision however.
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