Monday, June 11, 2007

Anti-quitsies, you're it, quitsies, no anti-quitsies, no startsies!

Psst, George. It's not "your government."

Thanks anyway, you cretinous lug.


Swinebread said...

F- you Bush

Dean Wormer said...


ladybug said...

I think John Stewart got it right when Gonzales acted like Bush during the investigation into his "deciding" to fire those judges...

"Duh, what? I don't remember who ordered, I don't remember how it happened, really, but NOTHING happened improperly!"

Bush & Co will certainly thank his croneys for being so loyal to him... so even if Gonzales is re-called, he'll move on to a cushy job in the private sector no doubt.

Don Snabulus said...

Believe him, he is a fascist. He believes it IS his government.