Tuesday, May 01, 2007

We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline.


Don Snabulus said...

did you McCain's interview with Jon Stewart? You could see all those things used as what Jon Stewart termed an "emotional cudgel" and indeed it was. McCain shouted over the top of Stewart with all of these platitudes. It was disgusting.

And Bush is several steps below McCain.

Don Snabulus said...

did you McCain's interview with Jon Stewart?


Did you see McCain's interview with Jon Stewart?

cripes, I am losing it...

Dean Wormer said...


Stewart ripped McCain to pieces. All the empty reasoning behind the war and silly excuses exposed in one interview.

I doubt McCain will come back on the show.

You're right - he is better than Bush, though. That's not saying much.

Swinebread said...

George Bush Sucks Green Donkey Dicks

Dean Wormer said...

Succint as ever, Swinebread.