Need I note that Barb and Jenna remain on the party circuit maintaining their horrible allergy to clothes in a desert camo pattern? Apparently they aren't too terribly worried about this "struggle for civilization." At least not enough to actually take part in the struggle by enlisting.
If his own family doesn't take the President seriously why should we?
Given that a Syrian anti-terror agent just gave his life while protecting American lives at the US embassy in Syria, Bush's words are rendered hollow and even vile.
Here we have American officials publicly threatening war with Syria and they respond by protecting our embassy. Bush destroyed civilization in Iraq and refuses to fully rebuild it in Afghanistan or the Gulf States.
Bush isn't qualified to use the word "civilization," let alone to try frame it in a sentence.
I agree.
We should be thanking the Syrian government today rather than scoffing at them.
"In truth, it is a struggle for civilization. We are fighting to maintain the way of life enjoyed by free nations."
By outsourcing jobs and destroying the middle class the Neocons are doing the exact opposite of this.
There is a new cartoon up.
Blog-whoring. Tsk. :)
That stuff looks like it's going to be pretty neat in an improv setting.
Yep. I'm mooching off the thousands of hits and comments you get on this site. It's like spraying graffiti on a highway billboard.
Millions of hits.
Check the sitemeter thingy at the bottom of the page.
There are people all the way in Vancouver that read this site.
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