UNBELIEVABLE! More shenanigans in the House. Seems like the Republicans have REVOTED on the Bush Torture Bill and narrowly passed it having waited until two Dems were out of the room. Goodbye democracy, it was nice while it lasted.
Since the Republicans took over the House over 10 years ago those sort of anti-democratic strongarm bullshit tactics have become sadly commonplace in the House. From big issues like denying Democrats any chance at amending bills and keeping them completely out of conference committee to petty little crap like denying them the use of government (read: ALL of ours) conference rooms for meetings, the Republicans have treated the representatives of over half the country as if their views were inconsequential.
Shame on the members of the Judiciary Committee who pulled this stunt.
I dream of an America where the dems retake the house and PULL EXACTLY THE SAME SHIT. Mind you - they do this on purpose, knowing full well it will suddenly get covered by the "liberal" media (while now it doesn't), and they take control of the spin to point out SPECIFIC OCCURANCES OF REPUBLICANS DOING EXACTLY THE SAME THING LOUDLY AND CLEARLY. I also dream of nanotechnology making us all live forever and a world where dreams can come true.
...and fluffy bunnies and streams full of chocolate.
I'm so torn on whether the Dems should do the same things to Republicans. I'd love to take it a step further and give all the minority congressional offices to Democratic staff and force Republicans to rent office space outside of the capitol.
My little angel Wormer says we should never play games with democracy and lead by example. My little devil Wormer points out that taking the moral high ground didn't do jack for us before.
...and fluffy bunnies and streams full of chocolate.
I'm so torn on whether the Dems should do the same things to Republicans. I'd love to take it a step further and give all the minority congressional offices to Democratic staff and force Republicans to rent office space outside of the capitol.
My little angel Wormer says we should never play games with democracy and lead by example. My little devil Wormer points out that taking the moral high ground didn't do jack for us before.
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