I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, "There's one terrible pilot."
On the eve of the 2nd Gulf War and thousands of dead Iraqis and Americans. "Now watch this drive."
Clowning around pretending to play guitar while hundreds drowned in New Orleans.
Today in Florida where he dismissed a cease fire in Lebanon as "stopping for the sake of stopping"
Antisocial personality disorder (APD or ASPD) is a psychiatric diagnosis that interprets antisocial and impulsive behaviors as symptoms of a personality disorder. Psychiatry defines only pathological antisocial behavior; it does not address potential benefits of positive antisocial behavior or define the meaning of 'social' in contrast to 'antisocial'.
Central to understanding individuals diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder is that they appear to experience a limited range of human emotions; however this should be regarded critically due to current lack of exploring emotional response in detail even in animals. This can explain the lack of empathy for the suffering of others, since they cannot experience emotion associated with either empathy or suffering. Risk-seeking behavior and substance abuse may be attempts to escape feeling empty or emotionally void. The rage exhibited by psychopaths and the anxiety associated with certain types of antisocial personality disorder may represent the limit of emotion experienced, or there may be physiological responses without analogy to emotion experienced by others. - (Wikipedia, emphasis mine.)In layman's terms- he's a sociopath.
Can lower primates really be diagnosed with this disorder?
Up in the air at the moment-
...however this should be regarded critically due to current lack of exploring emotional response in detail even in animals.
OTOH: male chimpanzees eat monkeys, apparently without remorse.
It's more fun than a barrel full of sociopathic monkeys.
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