We're all aware that a good portion of the clowns that were marching were there in response to Glenn Beck's "9-12 Project" of which the goal, according to Beck, is to return the country to that unified spirit of purpose we displayed immediately following the attack on the World Trade Center.
I'm always amused by the generally accepted view that those on the right are generally more prone to logic while those on the left are easier swayed by their emotions. This paradigm seems so superficially wrong, so upside down as to be laughable.
Conservatives aren't logical. They're simply lacking in emotional maturity and any sense of empathy. They're stuck in adolescence, unable to see past the end of their own nose.
Some conservatives like William F. Buckley or George Will are better able to hide that emotional immaturity than their ideological soul mates. They bury their childishness in their writings under a blizzard of vocabulary or statistics. At their hearts they're nothing but five-year old boys angry because they were picked last for dodge ball.
In the days following the September the 11th attacks all Americans regardless of political stripe were frightened, confused and angry. I recall myself wanting the U.S. to lash out violently at whomever was responsible for the attacks. Eventually we sobered up and realized the complexity of the situation demanded better of us (the Bush administration and it's supporters never did.)
At it's heart the 9-12 Project is a pining for the days when the conservatives weren't the only illogical, angry, frightened or immature group of people in the country. It's a plea for angry truthiness, a longing for shared stupidity.
Beck and his supporters don't like being the only kids in the playpen.
I'm always amused by the generally accepted view that those on the right are generally more prone to logic while those on the left are easier swayed by their emotions. .
I am extremely amused at that view as well. If someone were to say that out loud in front of me....I may never be able to stop laughing.
Last I checked, it was members of "the right" that are the insanely superstious folks that get their morality marching orders from an invisible sky fairy.
I second Lemmy's "ugh." It's getting to the point that I can't laugh at anything political anymore. It's every bit as funny as a sixty car pileup on the freeway.
What conservatives miss about 9/12 is the era when they could get away with and justify ANYTHING.
What thoughtcriminal said...about sums it up for me!
You're right, Dean, they're frightened. I think a lot of it is fear that they are actually wrong.
They live in such a black and white world where they've invested themselves so heavily in a certain view. Because of that investment, they will defend their view loudly because they are afraid if they admit they are wrong,their world will crumble. A bit like fundamentalist religious people.
Man. That made sense in my head. Me hav trubble wiv big wurds.
Of course,the funny thing about these right-wing protests is how bad they are at it. I mean they can't get something going without corporate support. Us liberals have been protesting different stuff for decades, often against corporations.
and a third on ThoughtCriminal's comment
Oh, blah blah blah. You're just mad that Beck has the Snake Eyes with the kung-fu grip and you're stuck with barely mobile Star Wars figures.
I never felt that unity for even a day. Within a couple hours, the first wingnut I ran into was already dividing the country into the Anti-American nuanced thinker camp vs. the raghead killing uberPatriot camp.
Within a few weeks, we sold our Constitution for a false sense of security and we've never looked back.
People also seem to forget that we were poisoned with US Army issued anthrax including offices of possible dissenters. Who did that?
People confuse worldwide sympathy for unity. It ain't the same thing.
The whole 9/12 thing is a fantasy created out of the filthy cloth of partisan propaganda.
Like calling Black people racist, it is a sleazy attempt to use a concept against itself.
I tend to view things through a psychological or sociological slant -- "why do people do that/think that way" sort of thing.
So I second what Arkonbey says. I get less angry at the mob itself, because they are afraid. I get VERY angry at Fox News/Talk Radio/certain "religious" leaders for TAKING ADVANTAGE of that.
They probably don't like being the only pigs in the poke, either. ;o)
I didn't used to believe that. And now I do. And I hope our President reaches that point himself.
Why are you code pinks so scared of Beck?
Why NOT be afraid of a man that belongs to a religion with a frighteningly recent racist history that openly weeps on television while killing animals and finding hidden secret messages in rocks? Why not indeed.
"People always seem to forget that we were poisoned with U.S. Army issued anthrax including offices of possible dissenters.
Who did that?"
Rove and friends. They took the tragedy of 9/11 and used it for all it was worth. FEAR. Scare as many people as possible. When the fear seems to lighten up a little bit, create more fear. It's the only way Bush/Cheney could politicize 9/11 and make it look as though they didn't.
Boy, did they go overboard.
Funny how nobody was ever caught or prosecuted for those attacks. The only suspect(s) were not of the GOP variety.
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