On a lighter note here are some happy videos I found and thought I'd share.
The first is a mix of Mary Poppins using samples from the movie with a bit of original music. My family sat around the PC this morning before work/ school and watched this a couple of times. Absolutely lovely.
This is a web ad for Cinematic Titanic so those of you who aren't familiar with what I was talking about can get an idea. I'm going to buy this one because it looks pretty funny.
This is an ad for Beatles Rock Band rolled out this week that is plain beautiful. Somebody should win an award for this damned thing. It's just that creative.
Pogo is awesome. he does the best remixes ever.
You can tell that Beatles ad wasn't made by a Murkan since it wasn't filled with nothing but scantily-clad ladies and explosions.
Very cool, but dammit, where's my Rolling Stones Guitar Hero? At least we're getting some VH. ;-)
How cool is that--a Beatles Rock band!
I've got the VHS MST3K version of Sant Claus Conquers the Martians...it's hysterical.
Especially since they really spent about $3.00 on the cardboard sets and .50 cents on the costumes...it really shows!
PS If you want to get tix for the Can't Stop the Serenity event..get the 3:00pm show (the 11pm Special Hell screening is for adults only..with boozahol 'n' such)
I like your Mary Poppins video. That's great!
Santa Clause Counquers the Martians is awful.
A guy at work showed me the Beatles Rock Band video. it's pretty cool!
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