R.I.P. to Star Trek's
Majel Barrett-Roddenberry (Nurse Chapel) who died yesterday from Leukemia. She'd had something to do with practically every Star Trek incarnation, including the new movie in which she was to be the voice of the Enterprise's computer.
Trek will never be the same without her.
I liked her Number One character too.
Way ahead of it's time
I can't believe I forgot to mention that. She was the second in command which the studio hated and made Roddenberry change. No way they wanted a woman in line to take over the ship.
Good to see ya, Swiney.
She had a number of great roles in the different Star Trak incarnations.
RIP Majel.
Saw this earlier today... I know Doohan and Kelly have already died. And of course Roddenberry. Any others I don't know or didn't remember? It's sad to see these childhood heroes kicking off... I remember them as young, and it's hard to grasp that it's been forty yesrs.
oh boy, I am officially bummed out
I'll probably always remember her as Deanna Troi's loony mom.
Nurse Chapel was one of my earliest future-lesbian crushes (along with Julie Andrews, that is). *sigh*
I liked her as Troi's mom, but I had no idea she'd also been Nurse Chapel! Wow. Well--RIP, Majel.
I'll say again, everyone forgets Babylon 5.
She was great as the clairvoyant Dowager Empress
she must have played 50 characters on the various STs ---- RIP
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