Bad: I was the Roger Moore James Bond.
I suppose this could be my subconscious telling me I'm not as muy macho as I'd like to believe which is a crazy idea.
Now, if you'll excuse me I have to crawl into my pajamas, mix up a pitcher of Apple Martinis and lose myself in a Bridget Jones Marathon on Lifetime.
Ya, I've had dreams like that... in fact, just the other night
good: I dreamt I was married.
Bad: It was to my ex-wife
That sounds more like a nightmare.
Wow, dean. I can hear your testicles shriveling from here. Too bad man.
Here man, let me help you out. Roger Moore appeared in a film with Jane Seymour. Feel better?
Thanks. I guess that answers the question of "if a gnad shrinks in the forest will anyone hear it?"
Good point! She was the young, hot voodoo princess, right? I feel a little better.
Rainbows and Ponies!!! Let's SO do that.
Bridget Jones marathon--that sounds like fun :)
Many times, we dream about the OPPOSITE of who we are.
My wife thinks so. Actually it's a guilty pleasure of my own but, shhhhh, don't tell anyone. ;-)
Hmmmm. I was going to write something pithy here but you actually got me thinking by that comment. Is it always suppossed to hurt so much when you use that brainy thingy?
Is that James Arness standing in the back?
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