I thought the State Dept. would work better without a Colin, but I was wrong.
You kids just don't respect the colon enough!In my day, we weren't allowed to use the colon because our elders though it lead to dancing.
Needs a colonoscopy.
don-State would work better with another president in charge of it.mwb-True. Colon corrupted Kevin Bacon.unconventional-If it's McCain getting the colonoscopy I hope they use one of those cameras they used to film I Love Lucy with in the studios in the 50s.
Colon is full of shit. Or McCain is.Maybe both.
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I thought the State Dept. would work better without a Colin, but I was wrong.
You kids just don't respect the colon enough!
In my day, we weren't allowed to use the colon because our elders though it lead to dancing.
Needs a colonoscopy.
State would work better with another president in charge of it.
True. Colon corrupted Kevin Bacon.
If it's McCain getting the colonoscopy I hope they use one of those cameras they used to film I Love Lucy with in the studios in the 50s.
Colon is full of shit. Or McCain is.
Maybe both.
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