I'm sure you guys can come up with something funny. Especially Dr. Zaius. Underpants Wars?
Here's one of mine...
UPDATE- In the time it took me to write this post, find a quote and a picture Lucasfilm sent a cease and desist and shut the website down.
They want to keep the crap content exclusive to themselves and the Bearded One himself.
Like Lucas does not have enough money...geeez
Fascists of fantasy
Lucas eats baby turtles for breakfast.
WHAT NERVE!! Bastids, dirty bastids!
He may have used up all his talent as a director, but still has mad skillz as an *
Man, I hate Lucas. You never see the estate of the late John Vernon cracking down on the Dean here, do ya?
Lucas, just put the originals out on DVD in a flimsy cardboard box. I'll pay good money, and I knows you love the green.
That was sucktacular!
$tar War$
I just read over at Wired.com that the RIAA is trying to get money out of radio stations for "pirating" music all these years.
fascists of fantasy indeed.
He eats baby turtles alive.
what's a "*"?
You never see the estate of the late John Vernon cracking down on the Dean here, do ya?
Shhh. His enormous estate has spies everywhere.
Creativity be damned. I hate those fuckers.
Dean Wormer to Lucas Films: "This is not the website you are looking for."
Whoops now I'm in trouble too!
* = a__hole . Got that from Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
What do you expect from a guy with such a stupid haricut?
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