Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Do you have any experience in motion pictures?

When I first heard the idea for a new reality show that would pit aspiring directors against each other and was being co-produced by Steven Spielberg I was intrigued. The idea that some housewife from Des Moines who dreamed her entire life of being a director might have a shot was appealing. I watched "On the Lot" last night and am sorry to report that egalitarian concept seemed the last thing on their minds. The show should really be titled "Watch Good-looking Young Hollywood Residents Get Their Foot in the Door."

The contestants were predominantly male, under thirty and REALLY photogenic. This last bit was what really struck me. Were they models, actors or directors? I thought this show was suppossed to be about the latter category. Shows how much I know.

Turns out that in order to become a film auteur and director you need to be 24 years old and Brad Pitt handsome. Who'd of thunk it? Certainly not these guys-


Shame on you Steven for putting your name on this junk.


Swinebread said...

The ugly folks will have to direct porn now...

Overdroid said...

Orson Wells was a hot young stud. He only became fat after he realized he didn't need to be skinny anymore to bag the babes (he had become that big - then he became that big).

Overdroid said...

Also I heard this show sucked. Maybe directors with any potential chops know better than to waste their time on a reality show. Maybe their busy with their own projects, like, I don't know, directing a live show where cartoons are created before your eyes?

Dean Wormer said...

Orson Wells was a hot young stud.

I knew you'd throw that at me. Nobody cared what he looked like when he was always BEHIND the camera.

I was going to use Coppola but even though he's got a bit of a wait problem he's really not that bad looking of a guy.

I think you're right about the kind of people they could get but there's something surreal about Garry Marshall critiquing these young punks who are only there because they have a bright smile. Not to mention Michael Bay slamming anyone because their films were shallow. Hello! Pot/ Kettle.