Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Let the joyous news be spread. The wicked witch at last is dead!

The above quote expresses my best sentiment at the death of the odious Jerry Falwell today.


Don Snabulus said...

As an agnostic, I've never hoped more that atheism is correct.

Swinebread said...

the machine’s still in place

ladybug said...

Unfortunately, Yog-Sothoth's innumerable spawn continue "his" work....

Anonymous said...

When I heard the news of Falwell's death I actually found myself hoping there's a hell. I think he'd fit in quite nicely.

Dean Wormer said...

Lady- :-)

Aaron - I agree. He'll be the devil's gimp, or something like that.

Overdroid said...

Yep. Expect the two hydra head that replace this one to be much more nasty.