Monday, July 13, 2009

Next time we'll have a foolproof coffin.

There is no God.


  1. You sound depressed.

  2. No.
    There is a god.

    It's just that Odin's taste is in his a$$.

    He's been working forever. It was the All-Father's fault we had Battle of the Network Stars.

  3. Ubermilf-

    Did u see that coin Ryan Seacrest is pulling in? Who wouldn't want to just give up after seeing that?


    Battle of the Network Stars wasn't so bad if you were a 13-year old boy. Wet actresses for the win!

  4. This is the final proof I needed.

  5. indeed.

    ever notice the worst stuff is the most popular stuff?

    someone made mention that "Ryan Seacrest is our generation's Dick Clark." i hate my generation.
    ... don't even get me started on Transformers 2 or American Idol winners or Jon Heder. i was having a nice enough day until saw what Seacrest was pulling down. now i just want to eat a knife.

  6. There may be no god, but there is most certainly a Satan: it's called corporate television.

  7. Anonymous7:33 AM

    maybe Seacrest will do a cameo in Transformers 3!

  8. Anonymous7:33 AM

    crap I should have written "Transformers 3D"!

  9. Keep that chin up ladies and gents, once Ragnarok kicks into high gear, we'll all be dead.

  10. Kinda like Arkonbey's take-Odin can be a f*%ker...just read American Gods...him & Loki make quite a pair!

    Never liked American Idol...yck.

  11. I am wondering, after reading this: if Hollywood has so much damn money to throw around, why is California going broke? You'd think they'd have some tax dollars flowing in.

  12. Based on the pace and mixing of media, I predict Transformers 3: Robot Idol, hosted by Jon Heder in which Ryan Seacrest is outed as a robot himself. Unsurprisingly, he can transform into a douche at will.

  13. I thought this was going to go another way..., ending with a contrasting population of starving children with no clean drinking water which would contrast Ryan Seacrest is having sex all over his millions. Heder let me down. He was supposed to be the guy we could all be, low budget do it yourself filmmakers with a love of mocking fashion. He really let me down. Did I say that? But, the good news is that a Will Farrell-written sitcom will have moments of brilliance mixed in with its inanity. The world needs more of that, right?

  14. (just pretend my grammar didn't suck up there. cut, paste, then, proofread. proofread.)

  15. God does exist, and she wants to talk to you about how you can make a million dollars selling vitamins and skin care products from the comfort of your own home. (if you buy this free product for only $49.95 within the next 20 minutes, she will throw in a free wombat with galoshes from Atomic Romance.)
