Friday, December 12, 2008

Seems we're all so busy trying to beat the other fellow in making things go faster and look shinier and cost less that Christmas got lost.

Wouldn't it be ironic that as one of Bush's last official acts as President he finally did the right thing for once and acted to bail out automakers?

I won't hold my breath.

But if we had any doubt that Republicans were going to put aside their partisan bullshit for the good of the country after the results of the last election I think the events of this week pretty much dispelled them.

We began the week with Republicans pushing the Clinton rules back into place in the media with the Blagojevich story. Apparently, just as it was in the 90s, innuendo from conservatives once again equals fact. Guilty until proven innocent and all that.

Watch for a strong push from congressional Republicans in the next session to replace Fitzgerald with a special prosecutor willing to dig into more than just this pay to play Illinois stuff. These fuckers play for keeps. Deja vu all over again.

Then we had Republicans take a shit on working Americans as they worked to bust the UAW. The headlines surrounding this are ridiculous. "Senate Bails on Auto Bailout: What Next?" Are you kidding me? How about "Senate Republicans Give American Economy the Andy Dufresne Treatment" as a more accurate headline?

Don't even get me started on this "Corker is a hero" bulshit. He was the Chief Obstructionist. He was an excuse. He was a tool. Nothing more.

Once again I hold out hope that Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic leadership will finally come to their senses and realize you cannot deal with these people in good faith. They are going to filibuster, and scream and clench their tiny little fists in faux rage at every step of the process as we try to set to work fixing the messes that they made.

Ignore the petty little fuckers. Utilize legislative solutions that work around them. Put everything, including health-care reform into ominbus budget bills that can't be filibustered. If they intend to filibuster then for God's sakes make them really filibuster.

But let's stop pretending Republican Senators care about this country because they don't. Not in the slightest.


  1. If they intend to filibuster then for God's sakes make them really filibuster.

    Is this your way of spreading holiday cheer, because it really made me laugh.


    Sweet Beelzebub how much I hate these fuckers.

  2. Randal,

    I'm just a little grouchy today because it's the office party and I have a bunch of stuff to do and may not get to partake in the cheer.

    bah humbug.

  3. DW,

    That sucks about the party.

    I think the Dems ought to make them filibuster right through Christmas. Let Scrooge pay the price.

    Funny that Bush is looking like the grownup of the party at this point. Maybe the GOP presence needs to shrink a little more.

  4. Ok, from the media's indictment, I think Gov. McBribypantsis probably guilty, but it's been bugging the hell out of me how he's not allowed a trial before he's punished though it is easy to see why his appointing a new Senator in the interim could be controversial. I guess he was caught red-handed enough....
