Thursday, December 11, 2008

Burn some dust here. Eat my rubber.

Haven't had much time on the intertubes or even to read the news lately. Anything I need to know about?


  1. maybe

    I assumed that you did indeed get in a fistfight on the way to/from work and were in prison. Do jails have wi-fi?

  2. uber-

    Thanks! I didn't think so.


    Thanks! I knew it.


    They do have wi-fi. Plus my seven-foot tall cell mate lets me braid his hair.

  3. There's that governor of Illinois thing. But the mainstream is talking about that all over the place.

  4. OD,

    Yeah, I know. Trying to ignore it. Driving me nuts.

  5. Wowsers.... you missed a bunch!

    Jesus came back. We had a cheeseburger and a beer. He said he would be back later.

    Hell froze over. (it was why Jesus hadda leave after only one beer)

    Man, youse gotzta stay on top of stuff!!

  6. Alaska no longer has the stupidest governor

  7. The Rapture. Yeah, I missed that too.


    Snab's post on the comments is a post about Cartoon censorship too....

  9. ok-

    Next time you see that JC guy ask him why he makes the pope dress so funny if you don't mind.


    Great comment. You got me to laugh in real life. Kudos!


    I knew I'd be left behind but you're practically a saint. Wtf?

  10. lady-

    Missed your post/ cross posted. I'll reply to snabby.


  11. I think something happened, but I don't remember what it was. What was the question again?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Yes. You have been infected with The Splotchy Story Virus.

  14. lockwood-

    I dunno.


    Thanks. Liberality got me too. I'll do this weekend.

    Good to see ya!


  15. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Hey i am fresh here, I came upon this board I have found It absolutely accommodating and its helped me out so much. I hope to give something back and aid others like it has helped me.

    Cheers all, See You About.

  16. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Hello im new on here, I came accross this board I have found It extremely helpful and it has helped me out a great deal. I hope to give something back and support others like it has helped me.

    Thank You, See Ya Around

  17. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Hiya im fresh here. I came upon this forum I have found It absolutely accommodating & its helped me out loads. I hope to give something back and help other people like it has helped me.

    Thank's, See Ya Around.

  18. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Hey i'm new on here, I came accross this website I have found It exceedingly accessible & it's helped me out so much. I hope to give something back & guide other people like it has helped me.

    Thank You, See Ya Later.

  19. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Hi-ya i am new here, I came upon this chat board I have found It quite accommodating and it's helped me out loads. I hope to give something back & assist others like its helped me.

    Thanks, Catch You Around

  20. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Sup im new here. I stumbled upon this website I find It amply accommodating and its helped me out tons. I should be able to give something back & aid others like it has helped me.

    Thank's, See You Around.

  21. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Good Day im fresh to this, I came accross this chat board I have found It amply accommodating & it's helped me out so much. I hope to contribute and support others like its helped me.

    Thank You, Catch You About.

  22. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Hiya im fresh on here, I hit upon this site I find It extremely useful & its helped me out tons. I hope to contribute & aid other people like it has helped me.

    Thanks, Catch You About.

  23. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Hi im fresh on here. I came upon this site I have found It exceedingly helpful & its helped me out alot. I should be able to contribute and aid other users like its helped me.

    Thank You, See Ya About.

  24. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Aloha i'm new here. I stumbled upon this board I find It truly accessible and its helped me out a great deal. I hope to contribute & assist other people like it has helped me.

    Cheers, Catch You Around.

  25. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Hiya i am new to this. I came accross this forum I have found It absolutely useful and it has helped me out loads. I hope to contribute & help others like it has helped me.

    Thank's, See Ya About.

  26. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Howdy i am fresh to this. I came accross this website I have found It amply accommodating & its helped me out tons. I should be able to contribute & help others like it has helped me.

    Thank's, See Ya Around.

  27. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Good Day i'm new to this. I hit upon this board I find It truly useful & it has helped me out a great deal. I should be able to give something back and aid other people like its helped me.

    Thanks a load, See Ya About.

  28. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Hi-ya im fresh here. I stumbled upon this chat board I find It absolutely helpful and it's helped me out loads. I should be able to contribute & help other people like it has helped me.

    Thank You, Catch You Around

  29. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Hi-ya i'm new on here, I came accross this board I find It positively helpful and it's helped me tons. I hope to contribute & assist others like it has helped me.

    Cheers, See You Later

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