Monday, May 19, 2008


We didn't make it down to the Obama rally yesterday as we simply ran out of time to do all the other stuff we had to do this weekend. I was at the Kerry rally in 2004 which was also at the waterfront and drew 50,000 people. No where near Obama's 75,000. :-)

Not to take anything away from Obama but I do think the eventual democratic nominee would've seen these sort of numbers here. The Portland/ Metro area is about as blue as it can get. It also was a confluence of a whole number of different things that came together perfectly for this event including the weather which has been unseasonally crappy for the last month.

A couple of picks I stole from Kos that I like below. This one reminds me that we may have kids in the White House again. It's been a long time since we had that.

Here's the rally from what looks like the top of the bridge or a copter. They do a Blues festival and Cinco de Mayo celebration at that area of the waterfront every year. A little bit further down the waterfront we have the Navy ships and fair for our Rose Festival. Portland really is beautiful.

I can't decide if I want to be the the girl or the Chihuahua in this picture. I'll probably go with the dog but it's a toss up.


  1. Ha! I love the picture of the girl with a chihuahua!

  2. Seeing this makes me want to cry. And I am still a little tepid over Obama, although that said, I do think that he is the one.

  3. Them are big numbers. I think he leads by 20 here.

  4. the Chihuahua of course... what's wrong with you? ;)

  5. Seeing this makes me want to cry. And I am still a little tepid over Obama, although that said, I do think that he is the one.

  6. Seeing this makes me want to cry. And I am still a little tepid over Obama, although that said, I do think that he is the one.
