Monday, May 19, 2008

All that hate's gonna burn you up, kid.

Via Atrios- A remake of Red Dawn?

With Islamo-Arabs Fascists in place of Russians and Cubans?

Randal reminded me that Hollywood already made that movie. It was called "Invasion U.S.A."

I suppose it's lost on the wingnuts cheering for this that if the al-Qaeda had an actual army to invade the United States they wouldn't need to fly planes into skyscrapers and otherwise engage in guerilla tactics.

I'll let you in on a little secret- I'm keeping my finger's crossed this movie gets made. Having their goofy New York gets invaded by Arabs fantasies writ large in a big screen Hollywood film won't exactly help their cause. It'll highlight how stupid it is.


  1. Ha! "Red Dawn" was stupid enough with Russians!

  2. Dr. z: Yup. How did the filmmakers expect the Soviet army to hold not only the ENTIRE U.S?

    The Remake: since Al Queda isn't actually an 'army' there is no 'invasion',yes? As that article suggests, WHO is crying 'woverines!' these days?

    I did notice other bad news whilst following the hyperlink breadcrumbs: they're remaking Robocop? ROBOCOP?!

    The are officially no writer in Hollywood, only producers.

  3. I, for one, hope the movie never gets made because it could interfere with the promise George W made to us back when he was running for president in 2000: to bring down gas prices through sheer force of personality and good will.

    Any day now, people, the spigots will open.

  4. Watch out! Brown people with guns!

  5. zaius-

    Exactly! I had a conservative buddy that dragged me to see that thinking it would make me change my liberal ways.

    He got really annoyed when I laughed through the whole movie.


    I didn't see that. Robocop does not need to be remade. "I'll buy that for a dollar."


    The problem with the "power of persuasion" is the tactic assumes the other side has beer goggles on.

    The Saudis don't drink.



  6. Since I never saw the movie, I'm out in the cold on this one.

  7. dean, I hope it gets made for the reasons you outlined. But who, who can take the leadership mantle from Patrick Swayze? I ask you, who?

  8. Pop-

    You didn't miss anything. It's neocon porn.


    Shia Lebouff?

    Basically Swayze is irreplacable.

  9. I'm all a tingling with anticipation.

  10. they missed their window to get this piece of propaganda done
