Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Well, those are the boobs that make our laws. That's the democratic process.

Seems to me that Republican Senators have already successfully filibustered more bills than the democrats were able to in the entire six years they were the minority party. First the ethics bill and now the minimum wage hike.

I'm at a loss as to why senate democrats feel they need to allow for any republican input on a modest hike to the minimum wage. It's not like the bill is controversial or unpopular. They're not trying to keep a terminally braindead patient on life support, for example.


  1. Yea, no kiddin' - like a minimum wage hike is going to break the bank...but it's sure ok to overpay corporate CEO's by millions of dollars-ya know, the kind that run the company into the ground.

    Yes, they can have all the golden parachutes they want, but paying "Jose" bank teller a couple bucks an hour more is stealing from the banks profits!

    Oh, I see now why all the excitement about "illegal" immigrants...who wants to pay those dang mexican/white trash/black slackers anymore than they have to?

  2. Republicans (Pubics) filibuster in a time of war? Unconscionable. Why do they hate America?

  3. Up or down vote! Up or down vote!

  4. Yes, they can have all the golden parachutes they want, but paying "Jose" bank teller a couple bucks an hour more is stealing from the banks profits!

    It really is obscene and one of the biggest disappointments of my adult life is the lack of outrage over the inequity of it all. People in this country use to believe in fairness and opportunity. Now they believe in the lottery.
