Wednesday, January 24, 2007

But you're not talking to a soldier now, you're talking to an expedition. I'm an expedition!

On his program this morning Thom Hartman was suffering an aneurysm over this passage from the President's speech last night:

A second task we can take on together is to design and establish a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps. Such a corps would function much like our military reserve. It would ease the burden on the Armed Forces by allowing us to hire civilians with critical skills to serve on missions abroad when America needs them. And it would give people across America who do not wear the uniform a chance to serve in the defining struggle of our time.

Thom reads that proposal as establishing something between the French Foreign Legion and a voluntary mercenary force which he sees as ominous. I'll admit I find it concerning on it's face, barring details but my take on it's face is different than that of Hartman's. It appears to me as if he's proposing interns for Haliburton i.e. even cheaper labor than the slave wages they're currently paying foreign workers they're importing into Iraq. This question seems to fall on whether or not these civilian reservists are actually armed.

Ultimately anything that gets the 101st Fighting Keyboardists away from their cheeto-encrusted desk and closer to the conflict they so strongly support I'm all for.


  1. Another stupid move
    The "Civilian Reserve Corps"...

    Why is it that everything gosh darned rebubs think of is the Military?!??

    I mean why not have them serve in the "Civilian Conservation Corps" - Ya know build like wonderful things like the Going to the Sun Highway in Montana? or maybe other civil engineering projects in poor/rural areas? Cleaning up contaminated areas the EPA/Private business never seem to get around too..

    Nah, that would be SOCIALIST! It's benefiting too many people! And it's just too darn efficient - damn those folks who built Timberline Lodge - Damn them to hell!

  2. Why is it that everything gosh darned rebubs think of is the Military?!??

    I assume it has something to do with never getting past the "G.I. Joe" stage when they were six years old.

    Just a guess...

  3. I assume it has something to do with never getting past the "G.I. Joe" stage when they were six years old.

    Especially since they can control the GI Joe without actual risk to themselves. What fun it is to be part of the elite.
