Tuesday, September 01, 2009

You see, it would be this mat that you would put on the floor... and would have different CONCLUSIONS written on it that you could JUMP TO.

I've been struggling with this all morning. It's a vile accusation about a very unfunny subject. But that's really not the point, is it?

Conservatives like Beck have pushed the envelope in their discourse to the point that objective reality itself is under assault and any sort of bullshit they want to make up becomes part of our actual political conversation. Death panels. Birth certificates. Vince Foster. This nonsense is discussed on our Sunday news programs.

While this may be beneath us it's how politics are fought these days. Not on policy, a playing field in which right-leaning politicos will always be outmatched.

It won't do us any good to stick to the high moral ground if the other side is going to cheat and get away with it. It's time for bloody knuckles, wrestling in the mud trench fighting.

I think we really need to get over our need to play fair if we really care about this country. The other side is killing America. Besides; people like Beck deserve a little taste of their own petard.


  1. I am so out of the loop that I don't know anything about this topic at all. Hell, I don't watch television so I don't even know who Glenn is! :)

  2. I spent all day Sunday posting Glenn Beck Lolz (that's the first pair). It's come to the point that I think the best approach is to aggressively point to him as the buffoon he is. That post has links to four other posts, and I've put up a few more over the last couple of days. Feel free to steal, or make your own.

  3. I assume you are referring to the rumor in the comments (which Beck has not denied) that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990 along with the subsequent Beckisms of why you should believe it (just like Beck does with President Obama).

    Gee, I sure hope that repeating this meme doesn't boost it in the search engines. I'd hate to be responsible for that.

  4. In the plus side, due to internet petitions, a huge number of Beck's sponsors have withdrawn their sponsorships.

    That's pretty awesome.

    I for one won't stoop to their level. But, then I'm an altruist; I'd rather lose than win dirty. Actually, that's not true. I'd rather win clean.

    @liberality: How do you do it? I only check three news-related sites (Slate, Salon and Factcheck), and I know far too much about Beck. Lucky, lucky you.

  5. The everyday schmuck will never win. Unless you all want to discount 6000 years of history and pretend that someday they will. The only reason this fuckery didn't start sooner is that the Sargons and Caesars didn't have 24/7 über-fast media at their Glenn Beck and call.

    Office Space was even on teevee last night. You're like a reverse Nostradamus!

  6. Why, Mr. Snabulus -- surely you aren't referring to this?

    Beck has yet to answer these allegations. What is he hiding??

  7. First, here's appallingly funny/funnily appalling on-topic link... did Glenn Beck really do that?

    Second, an off-topic question for Dean: a bunch of my geoblogging friends will be meeting up in PDX for the Geological Society of America annual convention in October. They're going to have a geobloggers meet-up Monday evening at a local pub, and are looking for suggestions as to a venue. I'm assuming they'll be in the area of the convention center. Any ideas about a good place for a bunch of beer swilling geotypes to get together? You can comment here- I always subscribe to comments if I leave one, or here, with the blogger who posed the question.

  8. I've been writing about Glenn for a while (my first post was entitled "Glenn Beck is a Tremendous Douchebag"), and I agree with you on tactics.

    I'll get on all fours behind them and you push.

  9. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990.

  10. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990.

  11. Tough question, as dems/progressive/libs whatever we have to make the choice to fight back in the ways that don't make us like them, having said that, if we all become no more mister nice blog will that help?
    I mean, look at the rightie sites, 24/7 all lies and crazy talk, how do we push the ball forward and NOT imulate them? (i did NOT say immolate them)
    The worst part in all this is the high value nut jobs on the other side who spew this crap, and many of them are elected Federal officials....
    don't have a sollution, but just keep on keeping on .........

  12. Another post from the brilliant Mark Evanier:

    Something to Ponder

    I wonder what percentage of the people who are saying that Barack Obama is a lying, Socialist, illegal alien are folks who, not that long ago, thought the Dixie Chicks should be deported for saying they were ashamed of George W. Bush.

  13. Yes, but how quickly anger can spiral out of control.
