Monday, May 25, 2009

If you want to survive out here, you've got to know where your towel is.

Happy Memorial Day!

Besides commemorating our brave vets lets not forget that today is also Towel Day. Don't let any strag or Bugblatter Beast catch you without your towel.

Towel Day - Don't Panic


  1. I don't know what a bugblatter beast is.

  2. Man. That Dean is a hoopy frood who knows where his towel is at.

    @UM: you poor, poor thing...

  3. I'm wearing my danger-sensitive sunglasses, and I can't read this.

  4. I looked it up.

    Please, do not tell my husband I have not read "Hitchhiker's Guide..."

    Or seen the movie.

    He doesn't know. And he talks about it, and I just nod my head...

    I'm so ashamed.

  5. What the belgium is going on here?

  6. All this Hitchhiker humor is lost on me, you counterculture maniacs. Doesn't anyone read Bill Bennett's Big Book of Virtues?
