Wednesday, April 29, 2009

On the other hand...

Like many progressives I've already had my share of disappointments in the Obama administration, none of them unexpected.

But I also think it's easy sometimes to focus on the issue of the day and not back up and keep things in perspective. This pictorial diary at Kos had some amazing images, especially of the inauguration.

But the image I personally found most interesting was this one--

I asked myself wtf Obama was doing looking under the desk while Caroline Kennedy was laughing? Was a pulling a lame Bush looking for WMDs schtick?

Further down the thread somebody answered my question. He was looking for this...

Sitting here at my desk at work I have to tell you that idea makes me a little misty.


  1. I have always had a soft spot for that latter picture. The modern re-enactment is hilarious!

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM


  3. Um, where is Obama's jacket? This is an outrage!

  4. What!?!? Obama was looking for some kid that has been stuck under the president's desk since the Kennedy administration? Jeepers!
