Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh, you asked me why I saved you. I tried to carry you off, and the next day, you gave me water, and a little pity.

Thank you all for the positive karma sent Mathilda's way. The vet took off the patch and gave her a subcutaneous electrolyte injection to hydrate her. The immediate effect was that she looked like a doggy version of Quasimodo until a little later when her body absord the liquid.

The result was pretty amazing. Immediately upon getting home she ran around the yard and woofed down tons of dogfood and water. I think it's fair to say she's pretty much out of the woods.


  1. Yay! Go Mathilda! Where you live, out of the woods is a figurative term I think.

  2. All praise Zeus!


    A healthy appetite is always a good sign. Now, go for a walk.

  3. Most excellent news! Still, I think you should fetch her the paper for a few weeks.

    Now I'm contemplating forsaking atheism and becoming an acolyte of Zeus.

  4. I blame the goat for causing all the problems in the first place.

  5. Anonymous4:22 PM

    i gotta get me one of them subcutaneous electrolyte injections..

  6. good to hear your puppy is getting back on track.

    p.s. I have something for you at my place.

  7. aaaw. That's great news.

    I'm happy for you, sir :-)

  8. Jeepers! I'm glad that Mathilda is feeling better. :o)
