Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Don't give me that. I'm sick and tired of facts! You can twist 'em anyway you like, you know what I mean?

Man, the anti-tax teabagger rally in Portland yesterday was HUGE. Check out this crowd---

Oops. My bad. That's the last Obama campaign stop rally here before the election. Here are the teabaggers who were actually at Pioneer Courthouse Square...


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Jesus Teabagging Christ..What the hell is wrong with these people!

  2. Are you saying the Fox News correspondents actually outnumbered the protesters?

  3. excellent--makes a good point about those dunderheads now doesn't it?!?!

  4. It's the hypocrisy that gets me. Where were the Teabaggers when GWB spent away the surplus that grew on Clinton's watch?

    Where were they when the crisis started and it was because of the previous administration's fiscal policies?

    And when liberals even hinted at pointing out some facist-appearing tendencies of the previous administration, they were shouted down and called un-Amercian; yet, these people can, with impunity, carry signs saying the president is a facist?

    Also, are Neo-Cons so out of touch with the world that they would not only allow 'teabagging' to describe what they're doing, but would also use the term in conjunction with the name 'Dick Armey'?

  5. The very foundations of our nation tremble.

    Remember, it's okay to throw billions of taxpayer bucks away on bombing brown people.

  6. A couple of thoughts about this.

    1. The turnout was small even though the hype was huge and the funding generous. The vast majority of self-identified conservatives were not taken in by this crap. I am heartened by that.

    2. The people that were there and many others are proof that you can make some people believe a thesis one day and its antithesis the next day as long as the common enemy doesn't change. This is disheartening and actually frightening.

    3. I think someone should organize another protest similar in kind except it involves thrusting fists in the air victoriously to show that they can defeat the liberals. It could be called "fisting" and the protesters could be known as "fisters". It is not unusual that teabagging could lead to fisting.

  7. omg..don's ideas above are a hoot- and hell- might even work...

    love this post dean..perfect...

  8. Three- count'em, 3- students walked by on Monroe yesterday afternoon with teabagging signs. As it was getting dark last night, maybe a hundred people walked by for the "Take back the Night" campaign. At least here at OSU, the priorities seem straight.

    Teabaggers to world: RRRAWrrrr... er.. meow?

  9. Every single teabagging organizer is quoted saying these demonstrations are "organic."

    If they didn't keep reminding me that this is "organic," I might have thought they had organized talking points to try to paint the illusion of being "organic."

    But they wouldn't lie, would they?

  10. Hey Snab I'm all for fisting the liberals! :)

  11. TEA BAGGING is a protest? I thought it meant dating a lady in her 80's. Sheeeesh, am I outta touch!

  12. Our local media can't seem to give the pathetic handful who showed up enough coverage.

    Actually, the more coverage these clowns get, the better.

  13. i think you had more teabaggers than we did in NY

  14. Is that lady holding a snipe bag?
