Wednesday, February 04, 2009

That is all... cats rule.

I should hit my 1000th post sometime early next week and can't recall for the life of me what the tradition was on that.

Am I supposed to post pix of my kids or my pets?

I think it's pets because, let's face it, Canine Americans have no expectation of privacy in this country. (That goes both ways as anyone that's been getting busy with their special someone only to suddenly feel the cold stare of their fury little friend on their naked booty can attest.)

Anyway- I'm out of here. It's Take Your Spouse to Work Day at my workplace. If you haven't heard of that it's because it's because we just invented it.


  1. I'd never bring my spouse to work. It would take forever to delete all that porn. I hope you got a head start!

    Oh, and post pictures of the pets of ex-presidents, like Checkers.

  2. I prefer Take Your Spouse on a European Vacation Day.

  3. I just finished Take Your Spouse To Lunch Day and it was quite dandy. In fact, so did my spouse.

    Congrats of 1000. Not sure how many I've done because several of them were manual entries before I went Blogspotty.

  4. Congrats, Dean Wormer!

  5. Ooops. I misread that. I thought it said "Make your spouse work day." Don't think that would go over too well. And "Make your spouse at work day" would be just plain old wierd.

  6. Also, I demand a picture of your goat.

  7. A cat has ruled here for just about a year, but if things go well today, the cat will have to share the duty with a canine.

    I would rather invent a day where the spouse stays home all day. That would be more fun.

  8. Wowsers! a K of posting. I don't think I have ever done a thousand of anything in my life, except maybe waking up.

    And a lot of those were a waste of time.

    I like cats, too. With a bit of sweet-sour sauce and a few eggrolls on the side.

  9. Patricia, it's only fun if the kids aren't home.

    So, wife home-kids away day.
